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Ardell Lashes Products - False Eyelashes

Announcement effective March 31, 2024
Dear Valued Customers,

After 21 wonderful years, we regret to inform you that we're closing our false eyelashes website. We are immensely grateful and want to thank you for your loyalty throughout the years!

Please be advised that we will no longer be accepting orders. However, we encourage you to visit our trusted referral site at falseeyelashes.co.uk for a wide selection of high-quality false eyelashes, accompanied by exceptional service and ultra-fast delivery worldwide. Additionally, for more options, you can explore the false eyelashes selection on Amazon.com to meet your needs.

Thank you again for your patronage and support. We cherish the relationships we've built with each of you. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

Wishing you all a wonderful and prosperous 2024 ahead :)

Warm regards,
Madame Madadeline

Lypo-Spheric Acetyl-Carnitine (1 Carton)
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After more than three years in Research and Development, LivOn Labs is proud to present its newest liposomal product:

Lypo-SphericTM Acetyl L-Carnitine

1,000 mg of Acetyl L-Carnitine

1,000 mg of Essential Phospholipids

30 individually-wrapped packets per carton

NOTE: This product requires refrigeration during storage, but not during shipping.

4 Reasons Why You Need It:

  • Supports healthy brain and nerve cell function*
  • Promotes cellular energy production*
  • Supports optimal neurological health*
  • May reduce the effects of oxidative stress*

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

List Price: $65.95
Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus (1 Carton)
1 of 2

Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus (1 Carton) (GUARANTEED NON-GMO) - is an unique combination of superior nutrients and liposomal encapsulation technology makes this B-Complex formulation the most comprehensive and powerful supplement of its kind. - 30 packets per box Carton.

This innovative formula by LivOn Labs incorporates superior, active forms of B-Vitamins such as Benfotiamine, a fat soluble form of Thiamine (B1), Methylcobalamin (B12), Niacinamide (B3) and Pyridoxal 5 phosphate + Pyridoxine HCl (B6), selenomethionine as selenium, and a new source of phospholipids - all to ensure that every ingredient is non-GM.

  • Brand New Batch
  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • In Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

List Price: $65.95
Lypo-Spheric GSH (1 Carton)
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Lypo-Spheric GSH: Glutathione (GUARANTEED NON-GMO) by LivOn Labs - Your Body's Most Powerful Protector - 30 packets per box Carton.

Researchers and physicians all over the globe are singing the praises of GSH — loud and long. And, it’s no wonder. Every cell in the body needs GSH and most actually make it. They have also determined that physical and emotional stress, pathogens, toxins, free-radicals and aging produce GSH deficiencies. Now, research confirms that boosting blood and intracellular levels of GSH provides a myriad of health-protecting and heath-promoting benefits for the brain, the heart, blood, eyes, liver, kidneys, pancreas, joints and overall energy levels.* 

  • Brand New Batch
  • Newly Formulated Batch
  • In Stock for immediate shippingIn Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

List Price: $89.95
Lypo-Spheric R-ALA (1 Carton)

Lypo-Spheric R-ALA (R-Alpha Lipoic Acid) (GUARANTEED NON-GMO) by LivOn Labs - A powerful antioxidant that enhances glucose utilization in the muscle cells to promote increased lean body mass - 30 packets per box Carton.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (also known as R-Lipoic Acid) is one of the body's most powerful intracellular and extracellular antioxidants that can: It's a powerful Antioxidant Promote and maintain cellular energy production. Recycle other vital antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E. Promote healthy insulin sensitivity. Promote and maintain cellular energy production in nerve cells.

  • Brand New Batch
  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • In Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

Lypo-Spheric R-ALA (1 Carton) is currently out of stock; Item will be available again shortly.


List Price: $74.95
Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C (1 Carton)
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LypoSpheric Vitamin C™ (GUARANTEED NON-GMO) by LivOn Labs has been called "Vitamin C on steroids!" This is because it utilizes state-of-the-art Liposomal Encapsulation Technology (LET). LET allows the nano-scopic spheres of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C to... quickly navigate through the digestive system eliminate need for digestive activity prior to assimilation rapidly absorb in the small intestine move intact, directly to the cells that need it. release the powerful, non-degraded Vitamin C for use throughout the body as the liposomal material is assimilated by the phospholipid-craving cells that are under attack. provide maximum assimilation and bio-availability. Each Carton contains 30 packets of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C.

  • Brand New Batch
  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • In Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C (1 Carton) is currently out of stock; Item will be available again shortly.


List Price: $49.95
Lypo-Spheric™ Magnesium-L-Threonate
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Encapsulating the Magnesium L-Threonate in liposomes helps more of this water-soluble nutrient absorb into your cells where it’s needed. 500 mg of phosphatidylcholine that constitute the liposomes helps to synthesize the neurotransmitters that you need for proper brain function. LivOn Labs Lypo-Spheric™ Magnesium-L-Threonate is the only compound shown to significantly raise magnesium levels in the brain.

  • Brand New Batch
  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • In Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Note: This product line is available for U.S. customers only.

Lypo-Spheric™ Magnesium-L-Threonate is currently out of stock; Item will be available again shortly.

List Price: $74.95
z.Lypo-Spheric AGE Blocker

Lypo-Spheric™ AGE Blocker™ is the most comprehensive, anti-aging, metabolism-boosting supplement anywhere (30 packets per box Carton). 

With B-vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, and cinnamon extract, AGE Blocker has been formulated to help to support and increase the rate of metabolism, maintain healthy skin and muscle tone , enhance immune and nervous system function, promote cell growth and division, and  reverse and prevent the effects caused by advanced glycation end-products (AGE) Advanced Glycation End-Products have been linked to a host of maladies associated with getting older.*

  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • In Stock for immediate shipping

*** Free Gift with purchase + Free Shipping ***

Please note Lypo-Spheric AGE Blocker has been discontinued and replaced with Lypo-Spheric B Complex Plus.

z.SunLipid - Liposomal Vitamin C (1 Carton)
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Our innovative SunLipid - Liposomal Vitamin C -- with Liposomal Bilayer Delivery System -- works by encapsulating Vitamin C in a dual layer of non-GMO sunflower lecithin phosphatidylcholine complex & medium chain triglycerides. The liposomal encapsulation helps protect the Vitamin C as it passes through the digestive tract, thus allowing for improved absorption in the intestines and at the cellular level.

  • 30 Packets, 0.17 oz (5.0 ml) Each
  • 1,000 mg Vitamin C in 1,000 mg Sunflower Phospholipid
  • 500 mg Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)
  • Naturally Flavored,  Sugar Free, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Non GMO

We have discontinued and no longer carry Lipid - Liposomal Vitamin C (1 Carton). Try comparable product in the following:



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